Photo Backup Systems for Everyone

If you have used computer hardware for any period of time, you probably know that all hardware will eventually fail. With it could go all your precious images and videos and the memories that you have captured over the years. You’ve probably thought about different ways to back up your computer, mobile phone, and other devices and have already put some of these strategies into place. But are you missing a simple trick or two that will allow you to make all of this really simple and foolproof?

In this useful and educational video, Omar Gonzalez talks about the different ways that you can back up your data, images, and videos. He shares various stages and backup strategies that he went through before he arrived at his current backup solution, which is a NAS. Now, having a huge NAS isn’t for everyone, which is why this video is interesting.

In showing us his progress, he actually walks us through all the different options that are available, no matter what your backup data requirement or annual backup budget is. In my experience, how much data you have to store and how important it is to your clients has a high correlation to which stage you’re at in your photography career or personal life. So, no matter whether you’re a beginner who is looking for a way to back up your photos for the first time or a professional who already has a backup strategy, but wants to have more robust and flexible ways to access these backups, there’s something in here for all of you.

The guiding principles are all the same, though: make sure that there isn’t a single point of failure when it comes to storing your memories by having multiple copies of your files in multiple places. Gonzalez goes through these ideas too, so nothing is missed.

Having all of this information in one short 15-minute video allows even the beginner to understand the scope of backup procedures that they will have to work up to in the future. This is definitely a video that I would recommend to people who are exploring different ways to back up their data for the first time or if you’re just wondering if you’ve missed out on something.

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