12 Helpful Tips for Better Black and White Photos

Creating a good black and white photograph takes so much more than simply converting a color image to monochrome; they are an art entirely unto themselves. If you are looking to improve your black and white shots, check out this great video tutorial that offers 12 helpful tips that will have you taking better shots in no time. 

Coming to you from Photo Tom, this helpful video tutorial will give you 12 tips for improving your black and white photos. Black and white images are a fantastic way to evoke a sense of emotion or drama; in fact, they can be a great choice when a color image has a lot of potential but just is not working for one reason or another. One thing that can help right off the bat is to switch your camera to its monochrome picture profile. This can make it far easier to visualize the light in the moment, and if you are shooting with a mirrorless camera, you can even use the viewfinder in black and white. If you are shooting in raw, you will still get the color image so you will have the full range of editing options when you get back to your computer. Check out the video above for the full rundown. 


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