The Power of Luminosity Masks in Lightroom

One of the most useful tools for taking greater control of your edits is the luminosity mask, and it can also save you a ton of time. If you have not seen them in action before or are not sure how they are used, check out this great video tutorial that will show you why so many photographers love them. 

Coming to you from Serge Ramelli Photography, this excellent video tutorial will show you how to use luminosity masks in Lightroom. Luminosity masks are so useful because they allow you to make selections based on a range of brightness values. In other words, if, for example, you want to color-grade the sky of a landscape image but have to deal with a complicated mask through tree leaves, you could instead use a luminosity mask, which will easily separate the sky from the darker leaves automatically. They are a tool that every landscape photographer (and photographers in other genres) should be familiar with. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Ramelli. 

And if you are new to Lightroom and want to continue learning, be sure to check out “Fstoppers Introduction to Adobe Lightroom: The Ultimate Crash Course With Pye Jirsa!”

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