Fujifilm X-T4 Versus the Fujifilm X100V: Which Is Best for You?

Fujifilm probably holds the crown when it comes to APS-C cameras. Cameras such as the X-T series and the X100 series have made Fujifilm a household name among many professionals. One of the best and worst things about Fujifilm is the huge number of APS-C cameras on the market. Due to this, how do you decide which camera is best for you?

In a recent video by Kinotika, Zach Mayfield discusses and compares two of the most sought-after APS-C cameras from Fujifilm, the X100V and the X-T4. Each of these cameras share many features, such as the 26.1-megapixel X-Trans sensor. Along with log profiles, video features, and film simulations, the many similarities mean that both cameras are extremely capable. 

For many professionals, a camera such as the Fujifilm X-T4 would probably tick a few more boxes. The fact that it’s an interchangeable camera offers a lot more flexibility over the Fujifilm X100V. For this reason, if you’re shooting professionally, it may be a good idea to pick the X-T4 camera. 

Having said that, for many street photographers, the Fujifilm X100V is the ideal choice. The compact design, built-in ND filters, as well as the leaf shutter make it a beloved camera. There are plenty of similarities between the two cameras; however, the design and mentality behind each system make them useful for very different purposes. In the video linked above, Mayfield goes over many of the similarities and differences. Hopefully, it will help you decide which camera system is best for you. 


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