Should You Consider Outsourcing Your Retouching?

Photographers generally like full control over an image from the moment they press the shutter to when they export it and send it off to the client, and as such, the idea of handing over retouching responsibilities to someone else can seem ludicrous. Some photographers do it and actually prefer it, however, and this interesting video essay features one successful photographer discussing why. 

Coming to you from Daniel Norton Photographer, this great video essay discusses the topic of outsourcing your retouching. This can seem like an outrageous idea depending on the genre you shoot; for example, I can’t imagine landscape photographers doing so. However, if you work in a genre in which the focus is often less on producing a single memorable image and more on delivering large batches of images, it can be a real way to get back a bit of work-life balance. For example, I know some wedding photographers who outsource a large amount of their retouching and who love the time they get back for other things. It certainly is not for everyone, but it is something to at least be aware of if you work with large groups of photos on a regular basis. Check out the video above for Norton’s full thoughts.

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