How to Handle a Large and Heavy Telephoto Lens by Hand

If you are shooting a genre that requires large telephoto lenses, then you know that they can be quite unwieldy to deal with. And while things like a monopod or gimbal head can help alleviate that issue, sometimes, you will find yourself shooting handheld with that behemoth lens. And when that happens, you can use the great tips in this video to make your life easier and improve the quality of your images.

Coming to you from Leigh The Snap Chick, this helpful video discusses how to better handhold large and heavy lenses. No doubt, monopods and gimbal heads can be tremendously useful tools, but sometimes, for whatever reason, you might have to handhold such a lens. When that is the case, it takes extra careful technique. Due to the longer focal length and narrower angle of view, any camera shake is highly magnified. And because of their long length and heavy weight, it can be quite tough to keep the lens still when you are shooting. Spending just a bit of time practicing proper technique can make a drastic difference in your keeper rate and allow you to get away with slower shutter speeds and lower ISOs. Check out the video above for the full rundown.

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