State of the Union for Mirrorless Cameras: FroKnowsPhoto Addresses the Community

Canon, Nikon, and Sony are all now seriously committed to the mirrorless camera market, so what does that really mean? As each manufacturer pursues a slightly different path in the mirrorless market, and Sony having several years head start compared to Canon and Nikon, where will each system be in one to two years? Just importantly where does each manufacturer stand today?

Jared Polin of FroKnowPhoto is out with a State of the Union video that discusses each manufacturer’s mirrorless camera lineup. He not only takes a look at each manufacturers mirrorless camera lineup but also addresses their current and future lens lineup for their mirrorless systems. This video isn’t intended to be a technical review or comparison of the three manufacturers’ cameras or which system is the best. He does address what he thinks they have gotten right so far and what they need to do in the future. Polin also provides a good overview of where each manufacturer currently stands with available gear and what their approach may be over the next year or two with new equipment. 

If you are looking to purchase your first mirrorless camera or perhaps you’re looking to add a mirrorless to your DSLR collection, Polin’s views might help you to decide if now is the time to purchase a mirrorless, and if so which system might be better for you. After recently testing the Nikon Z6, look for an upcoming article, I found Polin’s comments about mirrorless to be somewhat accurate when he addresses the Nikon mirrors system.

There is no doubt that mirrorless is here to stay, but what will the near future hold for each system? Will Nikon, Canon, and Sony all remain as the big boys in the field or will one of them fade to become a smaller manufacturer like Olympus or Pentax?

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